Muscle pain is referred to as myalgia in medical terms. Typically this happens as a sign of an injury, infection, disease, or other health problem. You may experience the pain as sharp, deep, or steady ache.
The feeling of muscle pain differs for every person. The pain may take in a specific area or all over the body. People of any age can experience this situation.
It is a process that occurs when the body’s white blood cells and their components protect our body from infections. But in cases of autoimmune diseases, inflammation takes place against a person’s body tissues. The leading five symptoms which occur are
- Pain
- Heat
- Redness
- Swelling
- Loss of function.
Natural remedies are a collection of substances that are traditionally using for medical purposes. The medicinal purpose may be therapeutic or preventive using these herbs. Every plant has a medicinal value that can use in any situation.
Many people believe that natural is better, healthier, and safer than unnatural or synthetic drugs when it comes to medicine. The application of plants as medicines has a deep history in treating disease, and plants have played an essential role in improving our health.
They are safer because there are no added chemicals in them. More importantly, it believes and has proved there are no side effects when using natural remedies.
Inflammation is your body’s defending response to injury or damage. It stimulates your natural healing and repair processes.
Various herbs and spices can help prevent or reduce inflammation in your body. But remember to meet your doctor immediately when you feel that condition must be treat by the doctor.
Because in some cases, inflammation may lead to chronic disease.
Below are few remedies that can use at first.
- Aloe Vera gel applied at the site
- Witch hazel water
- Preparing ginger tea in the morning (not at night).
- Add small slices of fresh ginger to stir-fries or vegetable dishes.
- Apply medicated oils
- Fish oil
- apply Epsom salt
- Yoga, diet, and changing your diet also can fight inflammation.
The very first treatment that everyone should do is RICE treatment.
- Resting (the leg)
- Icing (the knee)
- Compressing (the area with an elastic bandage)
- Elevating (the injured leg)
When it comes to treatment using natural herbal things, below are some points that you should focus on in daily life.
Add leafy vegetables, green vegetables, Vitamin C-rich foods, and plantains rich in potassium, magnesium, and calcium for your diet.
Dehydration is one of the common frequent reasons for muscle pain, so drink much water daily.
You can practice the following remedies at home.
- Apply clove oil in a poultice over the affected area.
- Apply madhuca oil over leg pains.
- Infuse liquorice roots in water overnight and apply.
- Apply heat and ice directly to sites of pain.
- Take a glass of lukewarm water with 02 teaspoons of dry ginger powder and a pinch of honey.
- Apply a thick paste of turmeric and alum covering the tender area. Do not massage the area and give it to dry.
- Take some drumstick leaves, clean and smash them to extract their juice, massage the area with this juice.
- Alternatively, slightly warm drumstick leaves, put them in a muslin cloth, and tie this cloth around the area to relieve pain.
- Add 2-3 teaspoon sugar, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and lemon juice to a liter of water and drink at intervals to get rid of cramps.
- Apply salt pack (heat a fistful of salt over a pan, put it in a cloth) over the affected area.
You are well aware that food can relieve pain or make it worse.
This is because of the role that food plays in helping or fighting inflammation.
Few remedies can make at home and use as temporary solutions for diseases with inflammation.
- 1/4 tsp of Baking soda with 8 to 12 oz. of water drink after a meal twice a week. Don’t continue for more than four weeks.
- One large handful of parsley, 2 cups of spinach, one green apple, one lemon, one small cucumber, 02 to 03 celery stalks, 1 to 2 inches of ginger, put them all into a blender blend. Use this drink once a daily.
- Take 1 tbsp. of freshly grated turmeric, 1 tbsp. of freshly grated ginger, the juice of one lemon, the rind of that lemon, 03 cups filtered water. Bring to a simmer above medium to medium-high heat, then turn off the heat. Be careful not to let it thoroughly boil. Drink 1 to 1 2/3 cups every day for up to four weeks.
- Take 2 lbs. of chicken bones, two chicken feet, one onion, two carrots, two celery stalks, two tbsp. Apple cider vinegar, one gallon of water Boil for 24 to 48 hours, separating fat occasionally. Separate from heat and give to cool slightly. Discard solids and strain remains in a bowl by a colander. Let stock cool to room temperature. Take one to two cups of bone broth per day. You can also try it as a soup. Use this within a week, or keep it in the freezer for up to three months.
Inflammation is the body’s process of fighting infections and healing.
In some circumstances, inflammation can get out of hand and last longer than you think. It is called chronic inflammation, and it will lead to many diseases, including diabetes and cancer.
Your daily dietary pattern plays a significant role in this case. Adding more herbs and spices into your diet will help to reduce the incidence of inflammation.
Following are some tips that you can use when preparing your meals.
- Vegetables – Brussels sprouts, Broccoli, cabbage, kale, cauliflower, etc.
- Fruit – Deeply colored berries like cherries and grapes
- High-fat fruits – Olives and avocados
- Healthy fats – Coconut oil and olive oil
- Fatty fish – Mackerel, Salmon, herring, sardines and anchovies
- Nuts: Almonds and other nuts
- Peppers – Chili peppers and bell peppers
- Chocolate – Dark chocolate
- Spices – Cardamom, Turmeric, Garlic, fenugreek, cinnamon, Rosemary, Ginger
- Tea Green tea